Remedies6 All-Natural Treatments for Communal Skin Conditions—You Probably Already Have Them in...

6 All-Natural Treatments for Communal Skin Conditions—You Probably Already Have Them in Your Pantry—

It is difficult to love your skin when it is always giving you trouble. Skin issues are not just painful to cope with—whether you have dry, itchy areas or occasionally break out in pimples—but they can also make you feel more self-conscious.

Thankfully, scheduling an appointment with your dermatologist is not always necessary. Alternatively, many topical skin problems can be relieved with natural, at-home therapies. But bear in mind that, in many cases, the best treatment for specific skin disorders is still a professional opinion or product. According to celebrity esthetician Joanna Vargas of New York City, “natural DIY cures are an acceptable solution in a hurry, but in no way are they meant to replace proper skincare.”

Naturally, the term “natural” is used a lot, but it does not indicate a product is safe just because it says such. Rajani Katta, MD, clinical professor of dermatology at McGovern Medical School at UT Health in Houston, Texas; clinical assistant professor of medicine at Baylor College of Medicine; and author of GLOW: The Dermatologist’s Guide to a Whole Foods, Younger Skin Diet, says, “Natural can refer to literally thousands of ingredients, and as I like to say, poison ivy is natural.”

Many of Dr. Katta’s patients inquire about natural skin care products because they are concerned about the possibility of toxicity or adverse responses from over-the-counter (OTC) goods. She says, “You have to examine each of these natural products and make an individual judgment.” While a number of natural components have been the subject of in-depth research and have demonstrated efficacy comparable to over-the-counter medicines in certain instances, others may result in adverse reactions such as allergic contact dermatitis.

Go to the most natural skin “items” in the world—food—for the safest way to organic skin care solutions.

Ava Shamban, MD, a board-certified dermatologist in Beverly Hills, California, and the creator of AVA MD and SKINFIVE, asserts that “farm to face” goes beyond “farm to table.” “Since we know that a variety of important plant-derived botanics, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and other natural extracts maintain the health and integrity of our skin, nails, and hair, I have always been a great believer that radiant skin can be discovered shopping in your kitchen.” They have the ability to not only soothe, moisturize, and reduce inflammation, but also to provide antioxidants, exfoliate, balance, brighten, and provide what Dr. Shamban refers to as “skinsational” effects.

These six all-natural components can be used as topical treatments or as a calming agent for common skin conditions.

  1. epsom salt

What it does: This basic component smoothes and calms rough areas for smoother, more even skin while combating inflammation, irritation, and dehydration. “Epsom salt is a terrific elixir for a scrub or bath, rich in magnesium, which is essential for over 300 enzymatic and metabolic functions in the body, including immunological support and blood pressure regulation,” explains Dr. Shamban.1. In addition to its ability to eliminate toxins and soothe muscles, it can exfoliate, hydrate, moisturize, and seal skin when mixed with essential oils.2.

How to use it: One or two times a week, add one cup of Epsom salts to warm water and enjoy the soak. In a dish or jar, mix 1/4 cup olive oil, 5 drops pure essential lavender oil, 3 tablespoons Epsom salt, and 1 teaspoon green tea (approximately 2 tea bags’ worth) to form a scrub. Add extra olive oil or Epsom salt as needed to get the ingredients to a paste-like consistency. Avoiding your face, carefully massage the paste over moist skin.

  1. Verdant Tea

What green tea does: What is it not capable of? It fights aging in the first place. According to Dr. Shamban, “green tea offers anti-aging advantages by scavenging free radicals and decreasing inflammation.” In addition to being mild and soothing for the skin, its natural sunscreen with photoprotective properties and anti-inflammatory, antioxidant properties is epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG).3. Additionally, a number of keratosis pilaris therapies use green tea. The lone warning? Green tea is excellent for adding a little extra sun protection, but according to her, “green tea should never replace broad spectrum SPF 30.”

How to apply it: Create an easy to use toner for puffy eyes that you can use at any time. Blend 1/4 cup of freshly brewed green tea with 1/4 cup of witch hazel, which can be found at most neighborhood pharmacies. Add up to 1/2 cup of rosewater, if desired. For quick access and a cooling effect, put this in a spray bottle and refrigerate for 10 to 14 days.

  1. Sweetheart

What it performs: According to Dr. Shamban, “Honey is one of Mother Nature’s power players.” It can combat inflammation and hasten the skin’s healing process because it is not only antibacterial and anti-inflammatory but also anti-viral and anti-fungal.4 Additionally, it may help with acne or skin that is prone to blemishes due in large part to its flavonoids. According to studies, it can actually shorten the duration and extent of acne lesions, she explains.5.

How to use it: Dr. Shamban suggests combining 1 tablespoon of Manuka honey, matcha powder (or green tea or chamomile tea), and sweet almond oil and applying it to the skin as needed to combat inflammation or extremely reactive skin. Use mashed avocado (up to half an avocado) and 1 tablespoon of each of Manuka honey and olive or almond oil to make a honey mask to combat dry skin. Once or twice a week, or as needed, apply to your face for 15 to 20 minutes, and then moisturize as necessary to prevent dry skin.

  1. Oats

What it does: Sunburn, eczema, and poison ivy sufferers are frequently advised to take oatmeal baths to ease irritating skin and to calm red, inflamed regions. According to studies, colloidal oatmeal has modest anti-inflammatory qualities, according to Dr. Katta.Six

How to apply it: Whole, raw oats should be processed in a food processor to a fine powder. Put the powder in a warm bath (it should turn milky white very fast), and let it soak for ten to fifteen minutes.

  1. Soy


What it performs: Soy is high in fiber, B vitamins, and omega-3 fatty acids, and it possesses anti-carcinogenic and antioxidant properties. According to Dr. Shamban, soy has generally been demonstrated to improve skin suppleness, lower hyperpigmentation, maintain sebum equilibrium, and raise cellular moisture levels.7 Plus, because of its antioxidant qualities, it can lessen photoaging of the skin.8

How to apply it: Combine 1 to 2 teaspoons of plain Greek yogurt, 4 tablespoons soy milk, and 2 teaspoons nutmeg powder to create a moisturizing, creamy cleanser that gently exfoliates your skin. Apply this to your face and use circular motions to massage for a minute. After a minute, let it sit and then rinse with lukewarm water. Do it every day.

  1. Coconut Oil

What it does: Coconut oil has gained recognition as a potent ingredient that works wonders for sensitive skin types, and scientific research backs this up. “It has been demonstrated in tests to increase skin hydration and decrease water loss from the skin following application,” Dr. Katta notes.9.

How to use it: Directly apply coconut oil—even the culinary variety—to any dry skin regions, such as the face.

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